The Cyberhug Awards has a Brand New Logo!

The Brand New Recipient Sticker

I received the most extraordinary offer the other day right out of the blue from an ex-Cyberhug Awardee Sandra at What Sandra Thinks. I had hastily put together a logo in a very slapdash way, and dear Sandra saw my plight and offered to create a completely new logo which she would build from the ground up because she enjoys mucking around with graphics, so the results are now up on the site for all to see! I certainly wasn’t going to knock back an offer like that, because I cringed every time I looked at my sad creation. Not only did Sandra create 3 new logos based on what I thought would work, but she also created a fantastic sticker for awardees to post on their sites, and I really admire her cleverness. Sandra was very hesitant in approaching me, but I’m so glad she did as she did an amazing job, they look brilliant, and it was hard to choose just one site logo but it had to be done, so please make sure you post in the comments below how much you like them! Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sandra, you are a very kind person indeed.

5 thoughts on “The Cyberhug Awards has a Brand New Logo!

  1. wowie! I am so glad she actually overcame her hesitation and did this. It does indeed look good. Well done Sandra! Love this.


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